1:1 Sleep Support Sessions with Georgina

Like some personalised support? You’ve come to the right place!

Every baby and toddler is different, and my goal is to help you find what works best for your little one – using evidence-based, science-backed strategies to minimise wakefulness and make sleep & settling easier.

We’ll focus on supporting and optimising your little one’s sleep while staying tuned in to their needs at night – responding to them in whatever way works best, nursing to sleep and safe co-sleeping included, if that’s what works for you/your little one!

The ultimate aim? For sleep to feel easier, for you to feel better rested, and for life to feel lighter – because these early months and years are way too special to be spent struggling or worrying about sleep!!


These sessions work best alongside my Baby Sleep Unlocked course. While it’s not mandatory to complete the course before booking a session, I strongly recommend it. Why? Because when you already have a solid understanding of the sleep science, we can focus our time on answering your questions and tailoring a specific approach for your little one. Also, many parents find that once they do the course, they don’t need a session with me after all (it really is that good!). Check it out here 👇👇👇

If you’re doing my Baby Sleep Revolution program, you’re also welcome to book one of these one-off sessions if you’d like to get my feedback on your plan or need help troubleshooting.

Book Your Session Here


$147 USD

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*includes GST for Australian Residents