Here with a quick question?
The answer might be right at your fingertips…
Before you start filling out the contact form, here’s how to get the information you need, fast!
Questions about your little one’s sleep:
Please be aware I don’t answer/help with personal sleep questions via email or DM. I’m active over on the socials (especially Instagram & TikTok) so make sure you follow me there where I cover a lot of frequently asked questions about baby & toddler sleep.
Questions about me or the services I offer:
The general FAQ page right here includes answers to the most common questions parents ask me. 99% of the time, the answer to your question is on this page!
Specific questions about my course, programs or other resources:
If you have a question about my courses, programs or guides, including whether they’re a good fit for you and your situation, check the solution-specific FAQs by clicking the relevant link below and scrolling down towards the bottom of the page:
If you’ve reached this point and you still have a question, or you’re touching base for another reason (media, networking, technical assistance etc.), fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.